
Comments (79)

What do you think?

The game looks just awesome!
I can't wait to see it released!

omg, this is perfect

Will the game be Free?

when will the game be uploaded when can we play! I am waiting!!!!

tem gente que acha que o jogo nao lançou ainda mais ele ja esta disponivel na steam

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Escape into a world kept secret by a tyrant and discover the truth about your freedom.
A momentum-driven game that seamlessly combines parkour with aerial movement. Dash, glide, and flow through the world with precision and grace.

Out now on Steam:


#platformer #precision #speedrun


Avoiding a bunch of brambles in The King's Bird! This takes place in the Tree Kingdom.

Unused concept art for The King's Bird! Back when Quill's hair wasn't so crazy.

One of the original concept art that inspired the magical "cloak" that Quill uses in The King's Bird!

Plenty of precision-platforming in The King's Bird, in addition to gliding!


The King's Bird is going to be speedrunning friendly. Did you notice a section of the level we skipped?

If you leave near Boulder, Colorado (US), and really enjoy playing Celeste, Super Meat Boy, Dustforce, or N++, send us a friend request and message us for a chance to play the Beta!

Another concept for "totems" in The King's Bird! Can you guess what they'll be used for?

A long time ago, Quill was going to have a staff in The King's Bird. It didn't make it into the final game, but here are some concepts!

Using the environment and gliding to go higher in a vertical level!

Sometimes you gotta go back to go up. We're getting closer to announcing the release date!